Monday, May 26, 2008

Singing In The Rain

Well, I was expecting to be super busy today but the weather certainly changed that! I had 4 engagement shoots booked for the weekend so I thought today would be filled with editing, editing, editing. Since it was so rainy, we rescheduled all 4 of the shoots. So instead of sharing e-shoot images today (which I have nothing new to share), I thought I'd share one of my favorite images from AirdrieLIFE magazine. This image of Rob, the president of the Airdrie Rodeo Association, was printed as a 2 page spread. I shot this segment back in April at the Lazy Half Moon Ranch. What great people to work with! They were super accomodating and willing to try any of my suggestons. When I pulled up, they were already tacking the horses and almost ready to ride. It was a fun shoot and so great to get out in the country for a bit.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

BIG Pics...Yahoooo

It seems to be the trend among photographers to have HUGE pics on their blogs. Except for those few dial-up internet people out there, I think everyone loves big pics! So instead of switching to Squarespace or Wordpress and losing all of my old posts, I found a way to do it on Blogger! I was so excited to find this and just had to share!!! More BIG pics coming soon :)

Friday, May 23, 2008

AirdrieLIFE Summer Issue Is On Stands!!!

The summer issue of AirdrieLIFE magazine is now on stands!! I did a LOT of work for this issue so I was excited to see it! If you don't have access to a copy, you can check out the whole issue and previous issues on their website at

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Musician Photo Shoot and a Gnome Man

I'm not entirely sure why I've been getting approached so often during photoshoots, but it's certainly entertaining! Last Saturday I was shooting my brother-in-law for his new album "Kiss the Son". We were on the edge of town in Carstairs, with the railroad tracks in the background and a bit of a rock n' roll in the country theme happening, when a man came up to us with a ceramic gnome in his arms. He asked if he could take some shots of his gnome with Tim. Weird!! Tim agreed and posed with the gnome for the man. I just kept on shooting. Tim couldn't stop laughing. I can't say that's ever happening to me before!!
I've been atempting to be a designer lately...although my design knowledge is quite limited. Here are some layouts that I've been working on for the CD cover, back cover, and the songbook cover and back cover.These are still a work in progress, but are coming together. Check out Tim's website at

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Meet My Husbands

Last night I got to hang out with the cast of "Meet My Husbands" for their dress rehursal. It's a comedy performance by the Airdrie Little Theatre. Don't miss their debut performance TONIGHT at Bert Church Live Theatre. (It's me!)

Meet My Husbands
A Comedy by Fred Carmichael
Thurs-Sat., May 15-17 at 7:30pm
Adult $15 / Member $12
Student/Senior $12.50 / Member $10

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lisa & Jason's E-Shoot

Lisa and Jason met me downtown on Saturday for their engagement shoot. It was soooo fun...and crazy! We were approached by 2 different people which I'll tell you about below, and their fearless photographer had a losing battle with a pokey bush!! I loved watching the romance between these two and they were fantastic at trying all of my ideas!

Playing with some effects in this shot. It totally changes the mood.

So right as I took this shot, a large burly looking fellow came up to Jason and Lisa to tell them how beautiful they are and some other well wishes. It was cute.
Right after that we took off over the bridge and came across another interesting person. A lady who appeared to be talking on a blue tooth phone was talking VERY loudly for the phone. It was kind of like that sofa commercial where you don't know when the person is talking to you or to the "invisible" blue tooth phone. We finally discovered that all of her comments were directed at us.....but really the only part that I caught was, "You should be ashamed of yourselves", once she had spun around and was pointing at me. We are still scratching our heads about this one.

I like how the wind came up and blew Lisa's hair into her face in this shot. It creates some drama. Hot drama.

For this shot I was basically cuddled right up to a bush.....but totally didn't realize that this bush was no ordinary was a bush full of 1 inch burrs which mangled themselves into my hair and stuck to my clothes. LOL. Thank you Lisa for helping my get the burrs out of my hair!!!!! LOL....I'm still laughing about this one.

Working the romance ;)

Looking forward to your wedding in August!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Jass & Dani's Wedding

Well, the weather was fantastic for Jass and Dani's wedding and I was quite excited about this seeing the weather up to the day before!! I thought we were going to be shooting in snow, so +15 was quite delightful. Here are a few of my favorite pics from their day:

The dress awaits for the bride to return from the salon:

I really like Our Lady of Guadalupe church. It has so many of the nice architectural features that I love about churches- centre aisle, balcony, and the cool beams in the ceiling.

Just married!!!
The groom.
The lovely ladies:
The very cute kids:
A whole lot of guys!!

Just being silly:

Congratulations! It was so great to see the 3 couples that I photographed previously....and kids and baby bumps too!!! All the best to you all.