Thursday, June 16, 2011

Jasmine and James's E-Session

I've decided recently I should write a little more in my blog posts. Now if you're an upcoming bride reading this, and I didn't write much for your blog post in the past few months, please know that I absolutely loved photographing you too! All of my wedding couples this year have been absolutely fantastic. I wasn't writing much in the past because I am certainly not an eloquent writer, but apparently the writing is good for my search engine optimization, so here I go! ;)

Jasmine and James's Calgary wedding is coming up in just over a month and I can't wait to photograph them again on their day. They are a super connected couple, who were more than willing to flirt and be a little bit playful with each other. Somehow we dodged multiple thunderstorms that were happening around the city as we were shooting and didn't need the umbrellas that I kept close by.

Enjoy the sneak peek!

Can you believe this is Calgary?!? Fish Creek is looking fantastic this time of year.

Calgary Wedding Photographer, Kristy Reimer Photography

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