Saturday, January 23, 2010

Valle de Bravo

I just got back from quite an adventure, and firstly, I want to appologize to anyone who has been trying to contact me in the last week and for my delayed responses. I assumed that wifi would be much more accessible than it was, so I was darting around to internet cafe's in my very few spare moments to answer any email inquiries while away. I hope all of my emails went through!! If you didn't hear back from me, please try me again! I certainly want to hear from you.

I was off on a paragliding trip in Valle de Bravo, Mexico. It definitely wasn't "resort" Mexico, so it was full of the colors, sites, and smells that make the Mexican culture so vibrant and unique. Our schedule was quite busy with flying two different world renown paragliding sites, so I hardly took out the camera, but I managed to find about an hour one afternoon to wander the streets of the town.

I've had a bit of an obsession with unique windows and doors while abroad :)

A very typical scene- kids playing in the street, a stray dog, and a VW Beatle.

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