Amy and I grew up together in small town Saskatchewan, and she was one of the brilliant people that everyone wanted on their team for group assignments in high school. Now Amy is studying to become a medical doctor, and she will be amazing at it because of her caring heart and her brilliance.
What I remember most about growing up with Amy, is our deep conversations about anything and everything and being able to take these conversations into a level that I just couldn't find with anyone else. I craved these conversations and always seemed to feel renewed in my spirit afterwards.
A few years ago, Barrett and I drove to Saskatoon for Amy's sister's wedding and Amy hopped in the car with us as we were going from one venue to the next. Amy was single at the time, and after a brief and yet amazing conversation in the car, Barrett turned to me and said, it boggles my mind why a great guy hasn't snatched Amy up.
I thought I'd start this post with the very last image I shot of the day. While I was listening to the speaches at the reception, I realized just how significant these red shoes were in many ways. Amy did a trip to Angola, Africa to work in a hospital and it was from that trip that she decided to become a doctor. While in Angola, she wrote a "red shoes diary" blog, which had everyone laughing and crying from home as we shared in her experiences. Her Angola red shoes were a red pair of crocs, and these were her wedding shoes:
I did the photos with just Amy and Luke 2 days before the actual wedding and it was so nice to have some fun and to not to be pressed for time. I was totally pumped about the hoar frost too.
Off the the University to warm up for a bit. While we were there, the president of the school congratulated them.
Morning of the wedding:
Just before Amy's sister laced her into her dress, I had a few moments alone with her helping her step into it. Amy turned to me, looked me right in the eyes, and said, "Kris, I'm so glad that you're here." Those few words were so special.
St. Andrew's College Chapel:
They had a worship time as soon as Amy and her dad made it to the front of the aisle. I just love how Amy is watching her dad sing here:
All smiles :)
Both sets of parents reading significant scripture to them and praying for them:
Luke and his brother:
Oh yes, it was very, very, very cold out. These guys were such troopers!!!
Off to the brunch reception....and yes, your eyes are not failing you...WAFFLES! Yum yum.
Amy's sister's speech:
I love how Luke is watching her with a tender grin:
Amy, you are amazing and I am so happy for you. Luke, I don't know you very well yet, but I am excited to get to know you more! Luke- know this: you've got the best there is :)
You're the Best, Kris. And I really did love having you close by all day. Love you.
Ggreat job Kristy! Saskatoon has some beautiful places and you used them well!
These are incredibly beautiful photos! I stumbled upon your page while clicking "Next Blog" at the top of my blog page.
The bride is gorgeous - and so brave out in that frost. One thing I don't miss about home (Calgary) is the cold weather!
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