Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Danielle and Trevor's E-Session- Calgary Winter Engagement Photography

Oooooh, yeah!! What a great session with Danielle and Trevor! I hadn't been to this venue before, so I googled it beforehand to see what I was up against. Let's just say I was pumped when I saw the floor to ceiling windows! YAY for lovely natural light. It was super awesome to have an indoor location because it was COOOOLD and SNOWING that day but inside was so cozy and warm. Yep, it's "spring" in Alberta. The time of the year where it goes from +12C to -12C overnight.

I was loving Danielle and Trevor's vintage outfits and the two of them were so much fun! These two are super connected and are great at making each other laugh. Their wedding is going to be fabulous!

Calgary engagement photographer, Kristy Reimer Photography

Monday, March 4, 2013

What I Do in the Winter

My weddings clients always ask me, "So, if you're a wedding photographer, what do you do all winter? Aren't most weddings in the summer?" Well, yes, weddings are quite seasonal, but there is always something to shoot in the winter too. I take on quite a bit of commercial photography, and it fills my time along with wedding meetings, engagement sessions, and the much dreaded and greatly neglected bookkeeping and taxes. I even managed to go on a holiday in January which was fabulous! Anyway, here are a few of the many projects I've been working on this winter:

#1- The Spring Issue of Airdrielife magazine which just came out.

Brittany won the magazine's makeover and I went along on 5 of her appointments and had her the studio for a session.

Other Airdrielife shoots. For more details, check out Airdrielife:

Amazing Women nominees at McArthur's Fine Furniture:

#2- Portraits for the Economic Development Team

#3- ARBI's Annual Report

ARBI stands for Association of the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured. They do fabulous work and I love going back there each time to see their courageous clients progress. Injuries vary, but two of the most common are from strokes and car accidents. Shown in these photos, is their music therapy class and cooking class where they make dinner to take home to their families and caregivers.

Some of my pictures in the background from previous shoots:

This past shoot, Danielle Smith of the Wildrose Party was there for a tour. She is a very well-spoken, beautiful lady.

#4- Ducks Unlimited Gala at The Westin

Live auction!
Airdrie and Calgary event photographer, Kristy Reimer Photography